

Thoughts And Stories On How The Workspace Influences The Success Of A Startup With Ron McElroy

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New ideas and the entrepreneurs who have those ideas need a fertile ground to spread and grow. If the area you choose is too hard or without nourishment that alone could doom your idea to failure. Today we explore with a deep thinker what it take to grow a space which nourishes entrepreneurs and their ideas.

Workspace for young companies looks very different now then just a few years ago. Young adults graduate without a job so they start something inspiring and bring the only work style they know them. They need a space, a flexible space, which traditional office can’t offer.

In business everything had evolved except the office space, four walls, some glass and door. Read More

Inside Look at Leadership in Biotech and Health Care at BIO International Conference with Joe Panetta

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Continuing with our series on biotechnology and healthcare, this week we look at San Diego’s role in international and American medical innovation. San Diego hosts the major international biotech conference this year. We’ll explore who is coming, what these leaders are talking about and why it’s important to the future of healthcare for all of us.

You get up everyday in this industry because you have the opportunity to improve someone’s quality of life and potentially improve someone’s health.

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Gathering Personal Medical Data to Cure Disease with Kyle Brown

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This time we are talking about our personal experience with disease leading to truly effective, targeted treatments. This is a leadership idea at the painful intersection of medicine and society.

 We speak with Kyle Brown who founded Patient Crossroads to gather the true effects and cross pollinate cures for rare and common disease affecting everyone and their families. Read More

Connecting Medical Leadership Hubs with Thomas Mortensen

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We all know that the medical industry is spread across every continent. It’s rare for a medical or pharmaceutical company to only work in one country these days.

But, how does someone with an idea or novel research gain entry into this global industry?

Today’s interview is about one such effort to reach across the oceans in building answers to many of our biggest health care issues.

Thomas Mortensen joins us from the Medicon Valley region of Scandinavia as we explore business building in the health care industry. Read More

Leadership on the Edge: The Movement to Save our Children

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This episode is one the most important we will ever broadcast. We’re talking about protecting our daughters and sons from the serious danger living among us. We’ll explore the movement to protect our children from sexual predators, and a new film telling the stories of tragedy and survival of families across the country.

Every year children are abducted, sexually assaulted and murdered. This interview with Bruce Caulk explores the story behind the upcoming film, Chelsea’s Light – A Brother’s Journey. Bruce is the Emmy winning director for the film. He is also a father and brings his passion to this project and to the movement to pass laws protecting children from serious sexual predators. Read More

Political Leadership: Special Post from Digital Politics Radio

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A special post for you. This time the microphone turned on me. I was a guest on Digital Politics Radio hosted by Karen Jagoda.

 It was a fast interview, But, we sure covered a wide range of leadership topics in politics at the local level. Somehow we ended up contrasting leaders on the international scene.

Never thought I’d be asked to weight in on the leadership of Vladimir Putin.

We talk about proper behavior and best methods for business and political leaders in today’s super connected society.

Please listen at Digital Politics Radio Read More

Leadership Across 3 Continents with Kelvin Chan

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If you remember your early twenties you were probably still enjoying all night parties, wondering what to do with your life and how you could really change the world.

 I know I was.

Today’s guest, Kelvin Chan, still in his twenties, found his answers through creating a world-wide organization with tens of thousands members while still in school. Now he’s creating two more, one to connect up regions around the world for business, and another to fill a critical gap in the development of therapeutic medical treatments.

Stay with us here on Leadership Point Radio to hear more on this fascinating journey.

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Leadership in the DIY Space with Cameron Clarke

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Leadership develops over time and experience. Time to build ideas and dreams. If you are all about ideas pushing toward execution, then you will enjoy today’s interview of a world class idea traveler.

It’s an interview which takes us across four totally different industries and five continents.


A Southern California native raised in the Coachella Valley, Mr. Clarke’s current efforts are focused on developing open source technologies for algae-based bioremediation and genetic engineering. Read More

Sudden Leadership with Tyler Orion – LPR 114

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Just put yourself in the situation where you are enjoying your Sunday and out of nowhere you get a call. You are now, without warning, the leader of a multi-million dollar organization with very high visibility and thousands of stakeholders. The prior CEO died in an accident, and you must step into his shoes. You start now. No transition time. Your new team is in shock and you lost a friend.

That’s what happened to today’s guest. We’re talking about leadership when it’s thrust upon you without warning.

Tyler tells several stories in leadership adventures when charged with a dramatic change in the life of an organization.

She dives deep into practical steps and ideas for assuming sudden leadership roles. This interview is well worth your time. Read More

Greg Horowitt Enlightens On the Challenges of a Meta-Entrepreneur Building Innovation Ecosystems Around the World – LPR 113

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Suppose you needed to grow the business climate in a region or even improve a country’s economic strength. You’re part of the government or perhaps a leader with a large business anchoring the existing business region.

What could you do to encourage and strengthen the future of existing markets and launch new entrepreneurial business? Today’s interview is with a person who is making a difference in over 25 countries through ideas, investments, and nurturing.

Greg Horowitt brings his experience to our show with his insights as a meta-entrepreneur influencing development in over 25 countries.

Greg is the co-founder and Managing Director of T2 Venture Capital, a seed and early stage venture fund and advisory services firm focused on high impact enterprise and the ecosystems that support them.   He is also the co-author of the bestselling book, ‘the Rainforest: the Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley’ Read More